
Hypnosis Research

Boekenlijst (Nicole Ruysschaert)


Algemene info over hypnose

  1. Alladin, A () Cognitive Hypnotherapy: An Integrated Approach to the Treatment of Emotional Disorders [Hardcover] ISBN-10: 0470032510  ISBN-13: 978-0470032510
  2. Bran, L, Owens, J, Williamson, A. The handbook of contemporary Clinical Hypnosis. Theory and Practice. 2011. Wiley-Blackwell.

         Review van dit boek schreef ik in Journal of Contemporary Hypnosis and Integrative Therapy.

  1. Daitch, C. (2007). Affect Regulation Toolbox. Practical and Effective Hypnotic Interventions for the Over-reactive Client.
  2. Ewin, D. (2009). 101 things I wish I'd when I started using hypnosis. Carmarthen, Wales, UK: Crown House Publishing.
  3. Flemons, D. (2002). Of One Mind. The Logic of Hypnosis. The Practice of Therapy. Norton.
  4. Hammond, C (1990). Handbook of Hypnotic Suggestions and Metaphors. An American Society of Clinical Hypnosis Book. (1990) Norton.
  5. Hawkins, P.J. (2006). Hypnosis and Stress. Wiley.
  6. Heap, Michael. Hypnotherapy. (2012). Review van dit boek schreef ik in:  ESH VRI Newsletter
  7. Yapko, M.D. (2014). Essentials of Hypnosis. Second Edition. 258p. Routledge.
  8. Yapko, M. D. (2018). Trancework: An introduction to the practice of clinical hypnosis. (Fifth edition). New York, Routledge.
  9. Erik De Soir - Redders in Nood
  10. Wilfried Van Craen - Leren ontspannen
  11. Wilfried Van Craen - Wetenschappelijke Hypnose

Algemene werken Nederlands

  • Van Craen, W. (2011) Wetenschappelijke Hypnose. De essentie. Uitg Luster Antwerpen
  • Van Craen, W. (2008). Relaxatie en zelfhypnose in de praktijk. Uitgeverij ACCO.

Algemene werken Frans

  • Bioy A. & Michaux, B. (2007).  Traité d’hypnothérapie. Fondements, méthodes, applications Collection Psychothérapies, Editions Dunod, Paris, 2007Bioy, A. & Faymonville, M.E. (2018). La Révolution de l’Hypnose. Peut-on reprendre sa vie en main? Dunod.
  • Bioy, A. & Faymonville, M.E. (2018). La Révolution de l’Hypnose. Peut-on reprendre sa vie en main? Dunod.
  • Salem, G & Bonvin, E. (2007) Soigner par l’hypnose. Masson

Algemene werken Duits

Revensdorf,D.  & Peter () Hypnotherapie in der Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Medizin. Manual für die Praxis. Springer

Algemene werken Hypnose bij Kinderen

Ericksoniaanse Hypnose

  • Breda, A & Van Eyndt, H. (2007). Wandelen in mijn hoofd. Oplossingsgerichte hypnotherapie. Garant.
  • Dolan, Y. (1985). A Path with a Heart. Brunner/Mazzel Publishers. New York.
  • Erickson, B.A. & Keeney, B. (2006) Milton H. Erickson. An American Healer. Ringing Rocks Press
  • Le Dr Milton H. Erickson. Médecin et guérisseur américain. Sous la direction de Betty Alice Erickson et Bradford Keeney. (2008) Le Germe. Satas.
  • Erickson, M.E.  & Rossi, E.L. (1983). Exploraties in hypnotherapie. Van Loghum Slaterus.
  • Collected Works of Milton Erickson. Vol 1 – 10. To order at Ericksonian Foundation. New edition!
  • Gafner, G. & Benson, S. (2000). Handbook of Hypnotic Inductions. W.W. Norton. New York London.
  • Gafner, G. (2010). Techniques of Hypnotic Induction. Crown House Publishing.
  • Kershaw, C. (1991). The Couples Hypnotic Dance. Creating Ericksonian Strategies in Marital Therapy. Brunner/Mazel Publishers. New York.
  • Lankton,S. & Lankton, C.  (1983). The Answer within: A clinical framework of Ericksonian Hypnotherapy. Brunner/Mazzel Publishers. New York.
  • O’Hanlon, B. (2009). A guide to trance land. W.W. Norton. New York. London.
  • Short, D.; Erickson, B.A. & Erickson, R. (2005). Hope & Resiliency: Understanding the Psychotherapeutic Strategies of Milton H. Erickson [Hardcover] Crown House Publishing.
  • Short, D. &  Weinspach, C. (2010). Hoffnung und Resilienz. Therapeutische Strategien von Milton H. Erickson.  Carl-Auer.
  • Zeig, J (2014) The Induction of Hypnosis. An Ericksonian Elicitation Approach. The Milton Erickson Foundation Press. Phoenix. Arizona 85016

Hypnose en Metaforen

  • Burns, G. (2010). Happiness, Healing, Enhancement. Your casebook collection for applying positive psychology in therapy. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Casula, C. (2011). Jardiniers, Princesses et Hérissons. Metaphores pour l’évolution personnelle et professionnelle. Le Germe Satas.
  • Trenkle, B. (1997). Die Löwengeschichte. Carl Auer Verlag.